Eve Online Gallente Name Generator

Generate EVE Online Gallente names randomly, Each name has its meaning for your reference. Such as Aelena means Means "Light" In Gallente Dante means Means "Enduring" In Gallente You can choose the name you like best to use.


"Brave Heart"


Meaning "Virgin" in Gallente




"Leader, Chief"


Some good ideas for generating EVE Online Gallente names:

Look up common first names and surnames on English-speaking countries, such as the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom.

Use translations of words related to Gallente themes such as freedom, democracy, and equality.

Combine two or more words that relate to Gallente culture and history, such as "Federation Star" or "Liberty Spear."

Use variations or alternative spellings of existing Gallente names, such as "Janis" instead of "Janus."

Think of famous figures or symbols related to Gallente lore, such as "Demeter" or "Golden Apple."

Consider using words from other languages that have a similar sound or meaning to Gallente concepts, such as "Liberum" from Latin.

Use a name generator tool and modify the generated names to fit the Gallente theme.

Combine two or three letters that have a unique sound or look, such as "Kyz" or "Jae."

Use initials and numbers that have symbolic meaning, such as "G4LL3NT3."

Use mythology or legend themes, such as "Aurora" or "Merlin."

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