Half-Orc Name Generator

Generate Half-Orc names randomly, Each name has its meaning for your reference. Such as Krogar means This Name Means "Strength" In Orcish. Grimgor means "Dark Destroyer" You can choose the name you like best to use.


This name means "brutal" in Half-Orcish.


Strong and capable


This name means "mighty" in Orcish.


"Battle Hardened"


Some good ideas for generating Half-Orc names:

Look up the meanings of various words that relate to strength and power.

Use variations of common names such as William or Richard.

Combine syllables from different words to create a unique name.

Draw inspiration from nature, such as animal names.

Consider names with hard consonants like K, T, and D.

Research mythology and folklore for names with interesting meanings.

Combine two shorter names to make one longer name.

Use names that describe physical attributes or abilities.

Think of names that convey a sense of danger or ferocity.

Use prefixes and suffixes to modify existing words and names.

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