Hittite Name Generator

Generate Hittite names randomly, Each name has its meaning for your reference. Such as Ahat means "Moon" Ahhiyawa means Island Kingdom You can choose the name you like best to use.


sweet fruit (male)


seer (male)


"Haakkan god" (M)


the god of storms and thunder (male)


Some good ideas for generating Hittite names:

Research actual Hittite names and their meanings to get inspiration.

Use elements of nature, such as rivers or mountains, in the name.

Consider using noble titles, such as king or queen, in the name.

Look to mythology and gods for inspiration.

Use common sounds found in Hittite names like "Tesh" or "Kur".

Combine two or more words to create a unique name.

Experiment with adding or removing vowels to create interesting spellings.

Use words related to warfare, such as "shield" or "sword" in the name.

Incorporate the name of important cities or landmarks in the Hittite empire.

Use names of animals, such as lions or eagles, to create powerful names.

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