Irish Celtic Name Generator

Generate Irish Celtic names randomly, Each name has its meaning for your reference. Such as Aiden means Fiery One Alannah means Dear Child You can choose the name you like best to use.


peace (female)


pure, unsullied (female)


peace (Female)


red-haired or little red one (M/F)


Some good ideas for generating Irish Celtic names:

Research the origin and meaning of traditional Irish Celtic names.

Look up Celtic mythology and folklore for inspirations.

Search for popular Celtic names used in Ireland today.

Experiment with different spellings and variations of traditional names.

Combine two traditional names to create a unique hybrid name.

Consider the era or time period in which your story is set.

Think about the personality traits of your character and choose a name that reflects them.

Consult a book of baby names for Celtic options.

Look up the meanings of Gaelic words and use them as names.

Create fictional place names that reflect a Celtic influence.

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