Magic: The Gathering Dwarf Name Generator

Generate Magic: The Gathering Dwarf names randomly, Each name has its meaning for your reference. Such as Brokk Stonefist means Brokk Means "Forge" Or "Fire" In Old Norse, While Stonefist Implies He Is Strong And Capable Of Wielding A Hammer. Thrain Ironbeard means Thrain Means "Bold" Or "Brave" In Old Norse, While Ironbeard Implies He Has A Thick Beard And Is Tough As Iron. You can choose the name you like best to use.

Baldur Blackrock

"Blackrock" implies he's tough as stone

Hlif Stonefoot

Hlif means "protection" in Old Norse and Stonefoot refers to his skill at walking on rocky surfaces.

Nori Deepmine

Nori means "of the north" in Dwarvish.

Grumblar Goldenheart

Grumblar means "grumbler" and Goldenheart represents his generous nature.

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