Tamil Name Generator

Generate Tamil names randomly, Each name has its meaning for your reference. Such as Aadhira means Moonlight Aaditya means The Sun You can choose the name you like best to use.


Beauty, Grace (Female)


city of temples, auspicious (unisex)


lovely, beautiful (female)


Pure (Female)


Some good ideas for generating Tamil names:

Research the meaning of Tamil words and use them as inspiration for names.

Look up popular Tamil names and modify them to fit an English audience.

Use words related to Tamil culture, such as food, music, and dance, to create unique names.

Combine Tamil words to create new and interesting names.

Use the names of Tamil cities, towns, and landmarks as inspiration.

Consider the time period and region of your story to find appropriate names.

Use the names of Tamil gods and goddesses as inspiration for character names.

Look up popular Tamil surnames and use them as first names for characters.

Use Tamil words that describe character traits to create fitting names.

Consider the personalities and backgrounds of your characters when choosing names.

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