Telugu Name Generator

Generate Telugu names randomly, Each name has its meaning for your reference. Such as Aditya means Sun God Akash means The Sky You can choose the name you like best to use.


Happiness (Male)


A zodiac sign (Male)


patient or enduring (female)


star (female)


Some good ideas for generating Telugu names:

Research Telugu culture and traditions to gain inspiration for names.

Look for Telugu words with beautiful meanings and use them as names.

Use Telugu names of famous historical figures or celebrities.

Combine Telugu words to create unique names.

Use Telugu names of cities, towns or villages as character names.

Use Telugu names of flowers, trees, and animals as character names.

Use Telugu names of gods and goddesses as character names.

Use Telugu names of months or seasons as character names.

Use Telugu names of rivers or mountains as character names.

Use Telugu names of foods or spices as character names.

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